Noor Cultural Centre

Lecture | Mosques Today: Contemporary Places of Worship

Sep 14th 2017


Mosques Today: Contemporary Places of Worship
with Dr. Tammy Gaber

The contemporary Muslim place of worship, often referred to as ‘mosque’, encompasses a range of spaces self-labelled as, for example, masjid, musalla, Islamic centre, community/cultural centre, jamatkhana. The architectural form raises a number of questions: is there a need or architectural requirement for certain elements, such as minarets and domes? What are the religious requirements of mosques today? How does a mosque connect to its location and people, and is this different in Western contexts?
This lecture will explore these questions, using examples from contemporary Muslim places of worship.

Tammy Gaber, PhD, is an Assistant Professor at the School of Architecture at Laurentian University in Ontario, where she teaches Architectural Design Studio and Sacred Places. Tammy has previously taught design, theory and building sciences at the University of Waterloo, the British University in Egypt, and the American University of Cairo. Dr. Gaber received a Social Sciences and Humanities Research (SSHRC) Insight Development Grant for her pioneering study of Canadian mosque designs.

Date: Thursday October 12, 2017
Time: 7 pm
Location: Auditorium, Noor Cultural Centre
Admission: $5

Photo Exhibit: ‘A Century of Canadian Mosque Design and Gender Allocation’ by Dr. Tammy Gaber, will be on view at Noor Cultural during the follow dates/times:
– Thursday October 12, 7-9 pm
– Friday October 13, 11 am – 1 pm
– Sunday October 15, 1-5 pm
– Friday October 20, 11 am – 1 pm
– Friday October 27, 11 am – 1 pm