Noor Cultural Centre

York-Noor Lecture: Murder, Mausolea, and the Emperor Akbar

Jan 2nd 2009


The Annual York-Noor Lecture Series 2008-2009


Murder, Mausolea, and the Emperor Akbar: Two Early Mughal Tombs

A lecture by Professor Anthony Welch, University of Victoria

Date: Sunday October 26, 2009
Time: 3:00 pm

Location: Auditorium, Noor Cultural Centre
Admission: $5

Dr. Anthony Welch is a specialist on the history of Islamic art and architecture at the University of Victoria. He is the author of Shah’Abbas and the Arts of Isfahan (Asia Society), Artists for the Shah (Yale University Press), Calligraphy in the Arts of the Muslim World (University of Texas Press), Arts of the Islamic Book (Cornell University Press), and The Travels and Journal of Ambrosio Bembo (University of California Press), and numerous articles on the history of Islamic architecture in India.