Ramadan Lecture and Iftar
Noor Cultural Centre will be holding its traditional Saturday lecture and iftar evenings during Ramadan. The program includes three-course dinner, and maghrib, isha, and short taraweeh prayers. Lectures will commence approximately 90 minutes before maghrib time. Plan to attend and give yourself a Ramadan evening that is nourishing on every level.
Date: Saturday August 27, 2011
Tickets: $20 (adult); $10 (children 6-12)
The deadline to reserve tickets is 6:00 pm, Wednesday August 24.
For tickets, please email [email protected] or phone 416.444.7148 ext. 222. Capacity for the dinner is limited, so reservations will only be confirmed upon receipt of full payment. Admission to the lectures is free of charge and is not limited to dinner attendees.
6:30 pm | Lecture by Dr. Sayeh Meisami: “The Reconciliation of Philosophy and Religion Within the Spiritual Context of Hayy ibn Yaqzan by ibn Tufayl”
8:03 pm | Maghrib prayers followed by dinner
Sayeh Meisami is a research associate at the Department and Centre for the Study of Religion at the University of Toronto, where she is leading the Islamic Philosophy Reading Group. Before immigrating to Canada in 2010, she was assistant professor at the Philosophy Department of Islamic Azad University in Tehran, where she taught a variety of undergraduate and graduate courses on metaphysics, epistemology, and transcendental philosophy. She is the English editor of The Journal of Philosophy at Tehran University. Meaning and Truth in the Philosophy of W.V Quine is her latest published book in Iran, and attracted positive attention in academia. Her current research interest, which she has been pursuing over the past few years, is the philosophy of Mulla Sadra.
Image: Front cover of English translation of ibn Tufayl’s Hayy ibn Yaqzan by Lenn Evan Goodman