Noor Cultural Centre

Concert | Re-encounters on the Silk Road

Apr 10th 2009


Noor Cultural Centre and York University

Re-encounters on the Silk Road: Arab, Turkish, Kurdish, and Indian Music

Taoufiq Ben Amor (Vocals, Oud, and Percussion)
Zafer Tawil (Oud and Violin)
Ozan Aksoy (Vocals and Baglama)
Ramzi El-Edlibi (Percussion and Dance)
Gaurav Shah (Vocals, Harmonium and Bansuri)
Satyan Shah (Tabla)

: Saturday April 11th, 2009
Time: 7:30 p.m.

Location: Auditorium, Noor Cultural Centre
Admission: Adults ($20.00), Children (12 and under; $10)
For tickets: Email [email protected] or phone 416.444.7148 ext.222

The Silk Road is a network of ancient routes extending over 5,000 miles from Eastern China all the way to the Levant and the Eastern Mediterranean basin. This road was traveled not only by traders and merchants but also by pilgrims, monks, soldiers, and prospectors and, thus, was instrumental in the exchange of not only commodities such as rare textiles, spices, incense and tea, but also of cultures, languages, ideas, and belief systems. In a world that is becoming increasingly fortified against immigration and the direct exchange of human experiences, New York City stands at the crossroad of a new Silk Route as a unique place where such encounters can be re-imagined. Through playing together, a group of New York-based musicians from India, Turkey, Palestine, Lebanon, and Tunisia are attempting such re-encounters.