Noor Cultural Centre

The Muslim Problem: Mediterranean History and Islam in the West

Dec 23rd 2008


The Annual York-Noor Lecture Series 2007-2008


The Muslim Problem: Mediterranean History and Islam in the West

A lecture by Professor Adnan Husain, Queen’s University

Date: Sunday January 6, 2008
Time: 3:00 pm

Location: Auditorium, Noor Cultural Centre
Admission: $5

Adnan Husain is Associate Professor of the Medieval Mediterranean and Islamic World in the Department of History, Queen’s University. He received his doctorate in both Middle Eastern and Medieval European History at the University of California, Berkeley and has taught Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies at New York University. His early work focused on religious phenomena and social imagination in Medieval Catholicism and Islam, particularly on Franciscan spiritual and Sufi mystical traditions. He now principally studies and teaches on cross-cultural and inter-religious encounters among the Muslims, Christians and Jews of Latin Christendom and the Islamic world in the Mediterranean zone from the twelfth to the fifteenth centuries. On these topics, he has published several articles; completed a forthcoming study, entitled Identity Polemics: Encounters with Islam in the Medieval Mediterranean World (1150-1300); and has co-edited a collection, A Faithful Sea: The Religious Cultures of the Mediterranean, 1200-1700 (2007) in a new series he edits for Oneworld Publications called “Islam and the West: Influences, Interactions, Intersections.” He is currently at work on a study of the intellectual and religious culture of Muslim diasporic minorities in “the West” from the late Medieval Mediterranean to the Early Modern Atlantic worlds, while co-editing a collection on the cultural history of the Qur’an in translation.