VIEW | Recording of Service
Please join us for our virtual Eid service* on Tuesday July 20, Insh’Allah .
9:15 a.m. | Dhikr/takbeer commences
9:30 a.m. | Leading of Eid salat by Faizal Kayum; Eid khutba, by Samira Kanji, President of Noor Cultural Centre
10:15 a.m.| Program end (approx.)
*To join:
Visit Noor Cultural Centre’s Facebook page at the appropriate date/time – click here. The live recording will be streaming there.
Note: you do not need a Facebook account to view the video, although you will need one to post comments.
For those wishing to donate zakat/sadaqah via Noor as usual, please use the special portal on our platform:
click here; select ‘Sadaqah & Fitra’ from the drop-down menu under ‘Apply your donation to a specific fund set up by this charity’
Collections will donated to local community service agencies.