Noor Cultural Centre

Endangered Culture: An Evening of Uyghur Dance & Music

Jul 1st 2019

Endangered Culture: An Evening of Uyghur Dance & Music

The Uyghurs – a Turkic people who predominantly live in East Turkistan/Xinjiang province in China – have unique music and dance traditions dating back thousands of years. As documented by recent media and human rights reports, the Uyghurs are experiencing large-scale persecution that threatens the people and this rich cultural legacy. 

Please join us for this concert – organized by East Turkistan Association of Canada – to experience and celebrate Uyghur performance arts, and to fundraise for schooling/other necessities for displaced Uyghur children.

Date: Saturday June 8, 2019
Time: 6:30 pm (doors open – 6:00 pm)
Location: Auditorium, Noor Culture Centre 
Advance Purchase* – $25
At Door – $30
Children 10 and under – Free 
To purchase tickets: click here

Email – [email protected] or [email protected]


*Advance purchase tickets available until June 7, 5 pm