Noor Cultural Centre

In Honour of the Prophet Muhammad’s Birthday

Dec 19th 2013


In Honour of the Prophet Muhammad’s Birthday

The birthday of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is marked this year in January, on 12th Rabbi’ al-Awwal by Sunnis and 17th Rabbi’ al-Awwal by Shias.

Please join us for a special program in honour of this occasion:

Naat (devotional songs in praise of the Prophet) – performed by Munni and Afzal Subhani

Screening of  The History Channel’s “Biography: Muhammad the Prophet”

Potluck refreshments (if you would like to bring a dish to share, please e-mail [email protected])

Date: Saturday January 11, 2014
Time: 6 pm
Location: Auditorium, Noor Cultural Centre
Admission: Free