Noor Cultural Centre

Sponsoring a Syrian Refugee Family

Oct 2nd 2015

holding hands 1 primary

Sponsoring a Syrian Refugee Family

Noor is inviting participation to a Noor fund for private sponsorship of a Syrian refugee family of five with the help of Lifeline Syria.

For some background facts & statistics about the Syrian refugee situation – click here.

For detailed information about sponsoring groups – click here and here.

A family of five requires $29,700 to cover minimum estimated set-up and living costs for the family for a period of 12 months, according to official guides. We hope to collect $35,000, to provide a modest buffer against contingencies. Excess over this amount may be applied towards sponsorship of additional individuals, if the group so decides.

If you are interested in joining the Noor sponsoring group with a donation of $1,000 (or more), please e-mail [email protected].  

Information session by Lifeline Syria are very helpful. Please click here for details of sessions on Wednesday September 23 (Oakville Town Hall) and Thursday October 8 (Noor Cultural Centre)