Invitation to Pentecost Service
Our friends at the Donway Covenant United Church extend a warm invitation to the Noor community to join them in a special Pentecost* celebration. The program includes worship and lunch. Dr. Timothy Gianotti will be a guest speaker. Many will remember that Noor had the pleasure of hosting the Donway Covenant community last November for a lecture and dinner; the occasion of the Pentecost presents an opportunity for a re-encounter.
Date: Sunday May 31, 2009
Time: 10:30 a.m.
Location: The Donway Covenant United Church,
230 The Donway West, Toronto,
ON M3B 2V8
Tel: 416.444.8444
Please RSVP by May 24th to or 416.444.7148 ext.222.
* The story of the Pentecost, according to Rev. Jennifer Palin of Donway Covenant:
The holiday of Pentecost is 50 days (thus pente, or “five” in Greek) after Jesus’ Resurrection at Easter. Celebrated one week after Jesus’ Ascension to heaven, Pentecost tells the story (in the second chapter of the Book of Acts in the Christian Bible) of how Jesus’ followers gathered in Jerusalem with people from every known nation and language group and miraculously, although each person was speaking in their own language, they were all able to understand each other. God’s Spirit (via wind, fire, and breath) made each person’s language intelligible to all others. It was a reverse of the Tower of Babel story in Genesis, in which each person’s language became “babble” to all others. When Jesus’ body ascended, his presence on Earth was replaced by the Holy Spirit and it was this spirit which brought common understanding, or community, to people of different ethnicities. The story is meant to show that God’s Spirit can bring all kinds of different people together in mutual understanding and community.
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