Noor Cultural Centre

March York-Noor Lectures: Dr. Yahya Michot

Mar 8th 2010


The Annual York-Noor Lecture Series 2009-2010


The Image of God in Humanity: A Muslim Approach
Lecture by Professor Yahya Michot, Hartford Seminary

Date: Sunday March 7, 2010
Time: 3:00 pm

Location: Auditorium, Noor Cultural Centre
Admission: $5


Ottoman Puritanism and Ahmad al-Rumi al-Aqhisari, from Turkey to India
Lecture by Professor Yahya Michot, Hartford Seminary

Date: Monday March 8, 2010
Time: 11:30 a.m.
Location: 010 Vanier College Senior Common Room, York University
Admission: Free

Yahya M. Michot is Professor of Islamic Studies and Christian-Muslim Relations at the Macdonald Center, Hartford Seminary, and the current editor of the journal The Muslim World. From 1983 to 1997, he taught Arabic philosophy at the Catholic University of Louvain (Belgium) and, from 1998 to 2008, Islamic theology at Oxford University (UK). He has published several books and articles about Islamic classical thought and European Muslims, including Ibn Taymiyya: Muslims under non-Muslim Rule (2006), Avicenne: Réfutation de l’astrologie (Arabic edition and translation; 2006), Musulmans en Europe, and the chapter “Revelation” in the Cambridge Companion to Classical Islamic Theology (2008). He has served as a consultant to various universities, international organizations and official administrations. From 1995 to 1998, he was president of the Higher Council of Muslims in Belgium. He has had a long commitment to interfaith dialogue.