Ramadan Iftar & Lecture Series
Lecture by Dr. Timothy Gianotti
Date: Saturday September 13, 2008
Time: 6:00 p.m.
Admission: Adults ($20), Children (6-12; $10)
Noor Cultural Centre will be holding its traditional Saturday lecture and iftar evenings during Ramadan. The program includes three-course dinner, and maghrib, isha, and short taraweeh prayers. Lectures will commence approximately 90 minutes before maghrib time. Plan to attend and give yourself a Ramadan evening that is nourishing on every level. Activities and supervision for children will be provided.
6:00 p.m. | Lecture by Dr. Timothy Gianotti: Walking the Way of the Afterlife: Al-Ghazali and the Jurisprudence of the Heart
7:33 p.m. | Maghrib and Dinner (Middle Eastern cuisine)
Having finished his one-year term as the Noor Chair of Islamic Studies at York University, Timothy J. Gianotti currently serves as the Noor Fellow in Islamic Studies at York University. Holding a B.A. (1988) from the University of Notre Dame (Great Books, Classics), his M.A. (1990) from the University of Toronto (Islamic Intellectual History, Arabic language & literature), and his Ph.D. (1998) also from the University of Toronto (classical Islamic Philosophy & Theology), his undergraduate and graduate studies included several periods of residence in the West Bank and Jordan, where he studied literary Arabic, Islamic History, various topics in Christian and Jewish thought, and the traditional Islamic religious sciences. He is the author of Al-Ghazali’s Unspeakable Doctrine of the Soul (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 2001), a study of controversies surrounding the soul and the Afterlife in medieval Islam, and he is currently working on two new book projects: an introductory (trade/educational) text titled, In the Light of a Sacred Tree: Illuminations of Islamic Belief, Practice and History, and a second scholarly book titled, Walking the Way of the Afterlife: al-Ghazālī on the Jurisprudence of the Heart (fiqh al-qalb).