Noor Cultural Centre

York-Noor Lecture | Re-reading Edward Said’s ‘Orientalism’: A Critique of a Critique

Mar 23rd 2015

said primary

Re-reading Edward Said’s ‘Orientalism’: A Critique of a Critique 
by Prof. Ariel Salzmann

Ariel Salzmann (PhD) is an Associate Professor of Islamic and World History at Queens’ University. She has her PhD in Middle Eastern History from Columbia University. Her interests are in the history of the Ottoman Empire. Her current research project, which seeks to document cultural and diplomatic relations between the popes and Ottoman sultans, was the alternate for the American Academy in Rome’s Senior Prize in Renaissance and Early Modern Italian Studies in 2010. She was awarded a Senior Fellowship at the Research Centre for Anatolian Civilisations of Koç University in Istanbul, Turkey for Winter Term 2011.

Date: Thursday April 2, 2015
Time: 7 pm
Location: Auditorium, Noor Cultural Centre
Admission: Free

See the entire 2014-2015 York-Noor Lecture Series