Noor Cultural Centre

York-Noor Lectures: Historicizing Miniature Painting & Calligraphic Modernism

Feb 8th 2009


The Annual York-Noor Lecture Series 2008-2009


Historicizing Miniature Painting in Contemporary South Asian Art

A lecture by Professor Iftikhar Dadi, Cornell University

Date: Sunday February 8, 2009
Time: 3:00 pm

Location: Auditorium, Noor Cultural Centre
Admission: $5


Calligraphic Modernism and Decolonization: South Asia, Middle East, North Africa

A lecture by Professor Iftikhar Dadi, Cornell University

Date: Monday February 9, 2009
Time: Noon

Location: 010 Vanier College Senior Common Room, York University
Admission: Free

Iftikhar Dadi is an Assistant Professor at the Department of the History of Art at Cornell University where he teaches modern and contemporary art, and history of photography. His research interests include modern South Asian and Islamic art and visual cultures, comparative modernities, and postcolonial theory. He is currently completing a book on Modernism in Muslim South Asian Art. He has published various articles on contemporary art in Muslim societies. He co-curated and co-edited Unpacking Europe: Towards a Critical Reading (2001). He has also edited a special issue of the Prince Claus Foundation Journal entitled The Future is Handmade (2003). As an artist, he has shown his work widely in international venues.