Noor Cultural Centre

York-Noor Lectures: Urban Culture in 18th-Century Istanbul

Mar 13th 2009

shirine-hamadeh The Annual York-Noor Lecture Series 2008-2009


The City’s Pleasures: Urban Culture in 18th – Century Istanbul

A lecture by Professor Shirine Hamadeh, Rice University

Date: Sunday March 15, 2009
Time: 3:00 pm

Location: Auditorium, Noor Cultural Centre
Admission: $5


The Streets of Istanbul (1703-1839)

A lecture by Professor Shirine Hamadeh, Rice University

Date: Monday March 16, 2009
Time: Noon

Location: 010 Vanier College Senior Common Room, York University
Admission: Free

Shirine Hamadeh is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Art History, Rice University, Texas. She teaches courses on the artistic exchanges between the Muslim world and Europe, 19th-century colonial cities and orientalist painting and literature. Her research interests are Ottoman visual culture and the processes of modernity. She published The City’s Pleasures: Istanbul in the Eighteenth Century (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2007) and various articles on public spaces and urban landscape.